Benefits of coffee

Benefits Of Coffee: 5 Shocking Coffee Benefits to Tell Your Cafe Customers

You woke up on a lazy morning. Don’t want to do any work. Just want to lie down on your couch. Then you prepare a fresh cup of coffee for yourself. The aroma of coffee takes control of your whole room. Sip by sip you finish up your coffee. And then, you aren’t the same person anymore. You start feeling a lot more focused. Energized! You just want to start working and then work and work. Have you ever wondered why coffee makes you more focused? Or you feel the love for that post-coffee focus. But aren’t sure how coffee consumption every day can affect your body? Here are 7 health benefits of coffee that might actually shock you:

Benefits of coffee for skin

Coffee benefit on skin

Who doesn’t want healthy and glowing skin? The coffee in your kitchen can help you to get bright and healthy skin. Coffee when used as a body scrub exfoliates your skin. Removes sun tan, and nourishes your body deeply. Interestingly, coffee can also help to get rid of those stubborn eye bags and dark circles.

Coffee tightens the skin and makes it firm. So, it helps to fight skin aging. Say hi to youthful and gleaming skin!

Planning to start a café, need a coffee machine for the café/office? Click here: Unifrost coffee machines.

Find here all equipment needed for a café.

How to apply coffee to remove dark circles and under eye bags?


  1. Ground Coffee: 1 tablespoon (or 5 grams)
  2. Coconut oil: 2-3 drops (you can take more if you have dry skin)
  3. Blend them well and make a paste (add a little bit of water for better consistency )
  4. Clean your skin with a mild facewash
  5. Apply this paste under the eyes, leave it for 10 minutes
  6. Soak a corner of the towel into lukewarm water
  7. Remove the paste gently with the help of that towel
  8. Do this regularly for one week initially
  9. Then you can apply this twice a week

How to apply coffee as a body scrub?


  1. Ground coffee: 1/2 cup
  2. Coconut oil: 1/2 cup
  3. Brown sugar: 1/2 cup
  4. Lemon juice: 1 tablespoon
  5. Mix them well
  6. Apply the mixture on your body
  7. Rub gently
  8. Clean your skin with water after 5 minutes

Benefits of coffee on hair

benefits of coffee on hair

Now you won’t have to wait to meet your hair goals anymore. Coffee will give you long, shiny and strong hair. Studies suggest that coffee can work miraculously when applied to hair. You can literally regrow your hair with the help of coffee. Because caffeine present in coffee blocks the side effects of DHT hormones. So basically, dashing the science behind it…coffee stimulates hair follicles. Makes your hair silky, lustrous, heavy, and strong. Say bye-bye to frizzy, unmanageable, and damaged hair.

How to apply coffee as paste on hair?


  1. Honey: 1 tablespoon
  2. Olive Oil/ Castor Oil: 1 tablespoon
  3. Ground Coffee: 1 tablespoon
  4. Mix them well
  5. Consistency should be thick enough to apply on hair as paste
  6. Leave it on hair for 20 minutes
  7. Wash it thoroughly with water

How to use coffee as a hair rinse?

This is a quick and hassle free remedy. Take:

  1.  2-4 cups of espresso/freshly brewed coffee (don’t use instant coffee powder)
  2. Let it cool
  3. Aloe Vera gel: 2 tablespoon
  4. Mix coffee brew and gel
  5. Apply it to your hair after shampoo
  6. Leave it for at least 7-8 minutes in your hair
  7. Wash your hair with water

Benefits of coffee in weight loss

coffee helps loose fat

Adding to the list of coffee health benefits…coffee aids fat loss. Drinking 2-3 cups of black coffee a day can help your cut belly fat. Keep in mind that I mentioned black coffee…and not coffee loaded with sugar, cream milk. Fat gets stored in our body when we consume more calories than we burn. Consuming bad calories (junk food, refined oil, sugar) can cause metabolism slowdown. Hence leads to less burning of calories. Coffee helps to boost metabolism, which burns calories and aids fat loss.

There are some factors which you have to keep in mind for a healthy weight loss journey.

  1. Regular exercise
  2. Junk food only once or twice a month
  3. No refined sugar, refined flour
  4. Black Coffee: 2 cups a day
  5. Adequate water
  6. Fresh and homemade food
  7. Chew your food at least 28 times (it’s such simple advice but we always forget this, but trust me you will thank yourself later)


Benefits of coffee before a workout

Caffeine in coffee works best as a pre-workout drink. Coffee before exercise can fill your body with energy and motivation. You will exercise more effectively and with full concentration after this. The stimulating effect of caffeine pushes your body to work out harder.


  1. Water: 1 cup
  2. Instant coffee powder: 1 tsp
  3. Brown Sugar: 1 tsp (add only if you can’t control yourself)

Drink 15 minutes before workout.

Benefits of coffee for plants

You won’t have to throw old coffee grounds. Everyone is aware that plants need fertilizers for better and healthy growth. Old coffee grounds can prove to be a gift for plant lovers. Adding used coffee ground as fertilizer increases soil water retention. It also keeps away slugs and snails from plants. Hence, coffee when used as a plant fertilizer fastens their growth, keeps them away from bad insects.


We have read about many benefits of applying coffee on hair, skin, and plants. But let’s take a quick glance at some of the other benefit of drinking coffee:

  1. Coffee reduces stroke risk
  2. Reduces cancer risk
  3. Helps to cleanse your bowels
  4. Improves productivity
  5. Beneficial for the liver
  6. Prevents diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
  7. Reduces type 2 diabetes
  8. Fights aging
  9. Works as an antioxidant

How many cups of coffee should be drunk daily?

Although coffee has numerous health benefits. But if consumed in excess can harm you. Pregnant ladies should not drink more than 1 cup of coffee. Coffee beans contain cholesterol. So beware!

If you are not a child/caffeine-sensitive/ pregnant, feel free to enjoy 3 cups of coffee a day.

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